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Allsteel & Gunlocke Learning Lab: Power to the People

Allsteel & Gunlocke Presents: Power to the People


Power to the People shares four complementary perspectives on people: what motivates us, what engages us, the science behind the performance, and what drives our behavior in social settings - including the office. The more we understand how we tick, how interdependent we are, and why we crave agency and belonging, the more we can contribute to the success of the people our workplace strategies and designs are meant to enable.

To call the atmosphere we’re all working in ‘chaotic’ feels a bit understated at this point. With an underlying concern about our own and our communities’ health, we’re also moving, literally overnight, into a place where working together is being discouraged and working from home is being considered the ‘new norm’.

We’d like to use this virtual series as a way to stay connected and have compelling conversations about the hottest topics in our industry today. Join us!

Click here to register.