
Welcome to IIDA South Florida Chapter


It’s always sunny in the Sunshine State. Except for at night. - Jarod Kintz

CLIMATECLOCK.WORLDCARBON BUDGET REMAININGTIME TO ACTDEADLINE116,349,804,953 TONS2 YEARS 281 DAYS 19:51:59LIFELINE500,000 take to streets of Madrid in #climatestrike | BREAKING: Denmark to cut emissions 70% by 2030 | Cost of solar has dropped (an incredible) 65% in last 10 years | 500,000 take to streets of Madrid in #climatestrike | BREAKING: Denmark to cut emissions 70% by 2030 | Cost of solar has dropped (an incredible) 65% in last 10 years | 

*Backed by the latest science, the Climate Clock tells us what we must do, by when. The Deadline and Lifelines on the Climate Clock make explicit the speed and scope of action that political leaders must take in order to limit the worst climate impacts. - The Clock’s Deadline tells us that, at current rates of greenhouse gas emissions, we have less than eight years left in our global “carbon budget” that gives two-thirds chance of staying under the critical threshold of 1.5°C of global warming*

Interior Design or Interior Decoration?

If you’ve ever struggled with clients, family, and friends over the differences between "interior design" and "interior decoration," here is a great video by CIDQ just for those moments. 

Hands up if you've had to explain the difference between ”interior design” and “interior decoration” to your clients, family, and friends 🙋🏽‍♀️ You're not alone! This video from CIDQ breaks down the key differences to help you navigate conversations and finally clear up the confusion for good.


On June 30th, IIDA HQ honored us with a chapter award for the Virtual BRAGG Awards Gala we had last year!

This is what they had to say about us:

“IIDA South Florida didn’t let a global pandemic stand in the way of honoring colleagues and members at their annual BRAGG gala. Utilizing a professional production company, the chapter filmed presentations in showrooms across their chapter, commercials for membership, and a live portion for member participation. The chapter auctioned off free tickets, pulled together swag bags, and provided 25 firms with a catered meal and bottle of wine thanking them for their continued support.

They streamlined the submissions process, and had more engagement than ever from student members—with doubled entries from students, the chapter was able to double the scholarships they awarded. Sponsorships were provided commercial time, product spotlights, and the opportunity to present awards.

By taking their gala virtual, IIDA South Florida embodied their theme, “Design is resilient and bold,” and were able to celebrate design excellence virtually while engaging members and sponsors.”

Big shout out to everyone who made this event possible, and a big THANK YOU to IIDA HQ for the award!


IIDA SFC on Advocacy: Diversity in the design profession.

Interior design offers incredible diversity. Hear from design professionals in this short video on the interior design profession. The design community has many successful professions and a variety of large companies throughout the country. Interior Designers are everywhere. They influence all aspects of the built environment and the individuals who inhabit those spaces. Learn more by watching Advocacy: Diversity in the design profession


Upcoming Events

Event Spotlights

Check out this industry event!

Event Highlights:

Check back for more highlights!

Sponsor Spotlight

Collaboration is the theme with this interactive, mobile Haworth chair.


We're excited about this @haworthinc Wyn Chair. It continues to invite free movement into our working areas, allowing for more interactive projects and welcoming conversations.



Faviana Salgado

This Year’s Annual Sponsors

We could not be more thankful to our sponsors who are the reason why we are able to do everything we do for our community, our students, and the profession. Without them, none of it would be possible.


JC White Architectural Interior Products + Haworth

Thank you for being an Emerald Sponsor!


Thank you for being an Emerald Sponsor!

Power & Lighting Systems, Inc.

Thank you for being an Emerald Sponsor!


Architectural Design Collaborative

Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!

Compass Office Solutions

Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!


Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!


Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!



Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!

CI Group

Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!

Autex Acoustics

Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!

Empire Office + Steelcase

Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!


Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!


Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!

McGowen Builders

Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!

Origin Construction

Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!


Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!

The Bierman Group

Thank you for being a Sapphire Sponsor!


Bentley Mills

Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!

Infinity Architectural Lighting

Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!

Richloom Contract

Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!


Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!

Design Works

Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!


Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!

Pradere Designer Workspaces

Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!

Curated Co.

Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!

Phillip Jeffries Contract

Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!

The Padron Group

Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!


Thank you for being a Bronze Sponsor!